2014年2月14日 星期五

《How Long Will I Love You》

How Long Will I Love You

剛在『電影配樂之迷』那邊發表『About Time』的插曲,
該片由 Nick Laird-Clowes 負責配樂,

被視為主題曲的想當然便是《How Long Will I Love You》,
此歌曲本來由樂隊『The Waterboys』歌手Mike Scott 所創作,
The Waterboys《How Long Will I Love You

此曲在2013年由女歌手Ellie Goulding重唱
Ellie Goulding《How Long Will I Love You

電影『About Time』除了探用Ellie Goulding的版本外,
Jon Boden, Sam Sweeney, Ben Coleman等人所演繹,
Jon Boden, Sam Sweeney, Ben ColemanHow Long Will I Love You

How long will I love you
As long as there are stars above you
And longer if I can

How long will I need you
As long as the seasons need to
Follow their plan

How long will I be with you
AS long as the sea is bound to
Wash upon the sand

How long will I want you
As long as you want me to
And longer by far

How long will I hold you
As long as your father told you
As long as you are

How long will I give to you
As long as I live through you
However long you say

How long will I love you
As long as stars are above you
And longer if I may

PauL Mauriat 之迷http://david305d.blogspot.com/

Rock N Roll 之迷http://david305c.blogspot.com/首頁

Paul Mauriat/ John Barry/ Ennion Morricone 之迷